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An expression of me writing this blog

Ozkan Askin |

Hi all, Gin Ichimaru here. 

this is my first blog for this cool new website i created, and i promise to make a new blog every week detailing all the anime i have watched, new content we have, any new art or messages from subscribers or followers and much more. 

Obviously im watching Bleach right now but that dosent mean we cannot talk about other animes which we have watched previously or some new anime which is coming out with new episodes as we speak. 

Now i can say in confidence that i am not the most educated person talking about anime as i am still new to it myself. But thats why i love this community so much, everyone (like you) is so helpful and understanding. Remember i will be talking about my experiences ive been going through watching anime, but that dosent stop any of you guys from jumping on the wagon wheel, send me your thoughts via any form of social media or even email!, i cannot wait to read them even if you disagree with my comments.

these past few weeks have been a rollacoaster of emotions for me as i have also started watching 3 new animes,

  • Chainsawman
  • Bluelock
  • To your eternity.

All of which i definitely recommend. Now if you are the type of anime watcher that likes to watch completed series of anime because you hate waiting week to week for a new episode, i totally understand. What i will be doing is titling my paragraphs from now on when i am speaking about certain anime, so you know to skip that paragraph SO I DONT RUIN IT FOR YOU <3.

Chainsaw man

Ok so there are a total of 6 episodes so far of chainsaw man, and I've got to say its like no other anime. From my experience watching Chainsaw man I've felt different levels of emotions and kind of related to Denji (the main character) more than expected.

Watching episode 1 i didn't know what to expect, coming into the anime without reading or watching any teasers or trailers. Episode 1 really gave a strong feeling on how this anime will go, and i have to say it has some very nice details in the animation making it look very smooth, you really notice the quality of the animations in anime getting better as the years go by. And i feel like we are in a very good spot right now with so many new anime coming out.

Denji's goal in life is to basically get to touch boobs, i think his true goal is to get a girlfriend, this might be a simple goal in life but he is determined to achieve it. Now we are still very early in this anime but we are already shown the hardships Denji has gone through in his young life, losing his family members and having to pay off his fathers debt. Thankfully as life tries to balance good and bad, Denji makes a best friend Pochita a very cute demon dog with a chainsaw coming out of his head (sounds bad but he is very cute). 



Denji even started selling some of his body parts to try and pay off the debt which has been placed onto him, he has started hunting and killing demons ever since he was a young boy with the help of Pochita to also help pay off his debt. Because he has been put through this much stress and pressure he has been alone for a majority of his life, not being able to have any friends or even having a girlfriend. Being cut of from normal life for so long he dreams of having a normal life and having a girlfriend.

Next part coming up next Blog!

Blue Lock

This anime could not come out at a better time, with the world cup around the corner it has certainly hyped me up about everything soccer. Bringing anime to sports that are world widely known in my opinion is very hard, but Muneyuki Kaneshiro has created a very interesting and captivating anime. Again the illustrations are amazing, bringing life to the anime and totally creating the right atmosphere while watching it.

I havent gotten into reading anime yet, but as everyone probably knows most anime which are coming out are already complete through the manga form, which is the case for Blue lock. But if you are like me and love watching anime we are only 7 episodes in and it is very good so far.

Yoichi Isagi is the main character in Blue Lock, however his past isnt shown into depth, rather this anime is more focused on giving the viewer a grasp understanding of each character through flashbacks and moments of self talk in the anime. 



Next part coming up next Blog!


As promised every Blog i will have some discount codes available

  • When you Subscribe to our website you will get emailed a code for a discount
  • LAUNCHSALE is a code for 25% off, celebrating our launch today on the 21st of November 2022 will be active till 26th of November 2022
  • NEZUKO is a code for Demon Slayer Anime Lights we have in our catalogue, if you get 4 of them and use this code we will give you 1 for free! Active from 24th November - 26th November (black Friday).
  •  SHIPTOME is a code for free shipping for all customers for all purchases, Active from 24th November - 26th November (black Fiday).
  • BLACKFRIDAYKEYCHAIN is a code for the Anime Embroided Key-chain we have in our catalogue, when you buy 4 keychains you get 1 for free!

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